Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Todd Lake Renga— 1,000 Tadpoles or Haiku in Public

the flow of lines
on this log
fifty shades of grey...............................Kay

winters past, winters forward
no stopping between...........................Marion

ghosts in the meadow
skeletons along the lake
eternal rest.....................................Linda

leaps the trout
dives the hawk.................................Denise

around and around
lake path, grey jays, clouds
voices, grass, water............................Sandy

she was murdered, she said
grey clouds remain.............................Janet

boys with shovels
gone into the dark trees
mystery remains................................Lorna

the forest mutters
somewhat alarmed.............................Nancy

a field of asters
color louder than sound.......................Marion

small distance hikers
exploring nature
pierce the silence..............................Linda

kids in baseball caps
men carrying fiberglass........................Denise

shirts and towels
bright as wild paintbrush, orchids
afternoon stirs.................................Sandy

mayfly rivulets
scat in the grass................................Janet

against the wind
paddling on the lake
frogs dig deeper.................................Lorna

an early century
of late earth......................................Marion

the words of writers
the chaos of children
where does it go.................................Kay

a young crooner
takes advantage of the silence................Linda

seedling firs spring up
in stillness or in the whirlwind................Denise

small, small shoes
pink and blue
unfathomable memory..........................Sandy

children with a dog
wondering if the trail
has lost them......................................Janet

cold day in July
grey wind off the lake...........................Lorna

What are you documenting?
What should we know? he asked.
as I scribbled haiku..............................Janet

1 comment:

  1. This is a linked poem - a renga - by One Breath Poets. I love this group of women poets and we have a wonderful time working together on our poetry. Check out our One Breath Poet's page on Facebook.


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