Tuesday, March 12, 2013

If Assisi

...then the lightness of Saint Frances—
all the birds soaring
above a rich, shallow lake
and a heart with them
upward, not to conquer,
but into the paleolightness
of lifting ecstasy, feathers open
riding the harmonic of that subtle
melody of an updraft.
This song of throw it all away,
walk barefoot on the Roman stone,
...we are meant for this.

New post on dVerse
'stretch your borders,
go somewhere' challenge


  1. nice...i love walking barefoot...and would not mind doing it on and road leading to rome...smiles..it is a dream to visit europe...love what you did with assisi as well...

  2. Lovely cadence. Like "melody of an updraft" and especially those concluding lines.

  3. a beautiful music in "the paleolightness / of lifting ecstasy"

    and may we all hear the song of throw it all away and walk barefoot ...


  4. Indeed, whether 'meant' for it or not, we should all culture the ability to experience it if possible. Very inspiring !!

  5. Wonderful. St. Francis is and always has been one of my favorite saints. I love the "paleoflightness" word that you created and the poetic license you invite us to take in our own writing. Superb.

  6. WOW! As I read, my own heart lifted up with the birds, and my feet felt the warm stone. BEAUTIFUL writing!


The Barefoot Peace of Ash Wednesday

 peace, barefoot walking slowly toward me floating grey and silver the Holy flashing through peace, a gathering of flickering angels he then...